Kazoo's Classes
Today's date is November 13th, 2024.
Full stop. Out of character for a second. Who is hiring some of these professors? I don't want to doxx myself so I won't say where I'm going to school. Jesus christ some of these guys couldn't pass their own class. Okay handing the mic back to Kazoo.
If you can't tell, Kazoo is less than happy with her school at the moment. Here's a nice story to give you an idea about what she's talking about.
Kazoo's physics class starts with a russian professor with broken english. Kazoo is not worried, she has had professors with bad english before, and she did just fine in those classes. 2 weeks pass and the lectures seem more boring than an average physics class. Kazoo also has a physics LAB lecturer which goes through the same material but as a 'recap' rather than new material. Here is the problem: Kazoo's lab lecture is very fast and VERY complicated compared to her regular lecture. Kazoo checks her lab lecturer's reviews on ratemyprofessor and he has a 1.6. Kazoo blames the lab lecturer for moving too fast. Luckily for Kazoo, her physics class has a 'recitation' which is basically tutoring time. The problem is that this recitation also has complicated work. Super-lickily for Kazoo, past exams are available to view and the answers are given too! Kazoo looks at the past exams. Kazoo looks at her notes from class. Kazoo is completely distraught! They are nothing alike! It is a week from the first exam now, and Kazoo is blazing through past exams. She (and everyone else in her physics section) get an email. Her main professor is being replaced indefinitely! Kazoo hears rumors about what happened, but doesn't worry herself with them. Her new lecturer desperately tries to catch the class up, and 2 days before the first exam, Kazoo learns 3 new equations. 2 days. 3 equations. Kazoo was too tired to point fingers and went through the SAME past exams.
Kazoo got a 100 on that exam.
If you remember, Kazoo mentioned that she really liked her Digital Systems class. She got to learn about logic gates and how to make the components that are in modern devices. Since then, she had a midterm (she got a 97) and the class is no longer her favorite. The lectures have become so boring it hurts. This is troubling because she used to be so interested. Her friends in the class say that the professor's lectures have gotten worse, so maybe it isn't just her losing interest. She LOVES the labs though. The labs began by making circuits on breadboards, but now Kazoo programs an FPGA for her lab. This requires programming (she likes programming) so she is very comfortable getting high marks on her work. She feels it is such a shame though. Computers are so interesting but learning from someone without the same curiosity as you can be draining.
Kazoo doesn't have too much to say about her other classes. She is feeling a bit of seasonal depression so her motivation to keep studying is dwindling. She is writing this while waiting for her third physics exam. Can you believe they start this at 7:30 at night? Kazoo doesn't have it as bad as the TA's do, they grade all of the exams the same night. Can you imagine being a graduate student and you're stuck grading 500 exams on a wednesday night? Kazoo's glad she doesn't want to be a physicist.
All Kazoo has to worry about after this exam is registering for spring classes. There are only 2 sections for a class she needs, and they're both full. Wish her luck I guess.