Welcome to Kazoo's site!

Kazoo would love to tell you about her bits, bobs, projects, and passions!

Her website is full of games, programming, art and other interests Kazoo has! If you don't know where to start, Kazoo suggests you check out the games she's making. She tries very hard to make fun experiences for all of you!

Kazoo updates her thoughts often!

Her thoughts can give context for a page, or show you what she's thinking. You might find a new thought on a page you've already visited.

What's new?

Kazoo's classes have started, so she is very busy. Right now, her favorite subject is Digital Systems. She likes logic gates, so being able to use them for a class made her happy. She wasn't able to get one of the programming classes she needed, which might mess with her classes next semester.

You've might have notice, but Kazoo has been sad lately. She has some things going on, but she's okay. You being here makes her feel better.

Kazoo sitting Kazoo's Crazy

It's hard to get enough energy to be creative after a long day.