Welcome to Kazoo's site!
Kazoo would love to tell you about her bits, bobs, projects, and passions!
Her website is full of games, programming, art and other interests Kazoo has! If you don't know where to start, Kazoo suggests you check out the games she's making. She tries very hard to make fun experiences for all of you!
Kazoo updates her thoughts often!
Her thoughts can give context for a page, or show you what she's thinking. You might find a new thought on a page you've already visited.
What's new? 11 / 13 / 2024
Would you look at that! Kazoo made a new page! If you can't tell which one is new she forgives you.
Looks like college is pretty tough. Not that Kazoo is struggling, but classes can take a lot of time. Kazoo is trying to stay creative while getting her work done. Maybe you'll see something new from her soon. Kazoo struggles with motivation, especially on a busy day. She wants you to remember: Progress does not have to be huge. If you are unmotivated but still want to be creative, get a little done at a time. Kazoo is revisiting 3D character modelling but she forgot how much time it takes. If she didn't have classes, she may be done by now, but the progress she's made is good enough for her.
Kazoo uses social media often, but doesn't like to post personal things to it (or much of anything at all). She might make a page dedicated to her thoughts and opinions eventually. Don't suppress your emotions like she does. Laughing off your problems is not therapeutic, it's avoidant. Kazoo is glad to have an outlet like this, and hopes you can find a way to vent like she has.
Kazoo does not update this site as often as she would like, so she decided to date this section. You will know if an update is recent now.