6 Bodacious Nights at Whitecastle

A Fnaf fan game where the player must face off against a homeless man, a 2006 Honda Accord, and a cheeseburger. In order to complete the night, the player must make sliders and put them in the freezer. This game was cancelled.
How the characters work
The homeless man is the first enemy. He appears in the drive through window, and will try to climb in. When he gets stuck, the player can grab a katana, and kill the intruder. The homeless was originally going to be a police officer, but Kazoo got a suggestion to change it from her friend. She also used a picture of her friend's face for the homeless man. The face is editted to be "pretty" and the model is one of Kazoo's favorites. Later on, she would make an alternate homeless man using Sajam (a fighting game streamer) as the face.

The homeless man's jumpscare with a VHS effect.
The 2006 Honda Accord is the second enemy. The car does not directly kill the player, rather, it makes the player unable to stop the cheeseburger. The car shows up on a drivethrough camera, which can be seen in the closet. If the car shows up, it will continually rev its engine. The player must turn off the building's power to make the car leave. During the power outage, the player cannot cook sliders. If the player leaves the power on, the 2006 Honda Accord will be enraged and smash through the front of the building. The car will be wrecked and block your path to the cheeseburger.

The 2006 Honda Accord crashing into the building.
The cheeseburger is the last main enemy. The cheeseburger shows up in the middle of night and will sit in a corner. The player must feed it a slider to keep it from attacking the player. The cheeseburger will only accept fresh sliders, so the player must rush to make a new slider when the cheeseburger gets closer to attacking.

The game's banner image with the cheeseburger
The 6th night
On the 6th night, the homeless man has enough. He is secretly a ROBOT! He dawns a new mech suit and busts through a wall.
The mech breaking through a wall.
He wants revenge for all the times you sliced him with your katana. Right when hes about to kill you, his weight breaks the floor, and you fall into a hidden basement.
The basement with pipes running along the ceiling.
After landing on the ground, a pipe bursts, and the mech is drenched in water. The homeless mech retreats further into the basement. The player calls the police, and the resonder acts as a "phone guy." The player must manage the water left in the pipes to fend off the mech suit. Halfway through the night, another robot wakes up! A half destroyed homeless man robot!
The robot homless man.
This robot must be guided around with a camera system to keep it away from you. If the robot and the mech are in the same room, the robot will attack the mech, slowing it down. The mech will also try to leave through a manhole, and the only way to stop it is to make the robot attack.
This was a huge task for Kazoo, but the job wasn't what ended development
6 Bodacious Nights at Whitecastle had little planning, a big scope, and a single developer. These are recipes for disaster, right? Despite that, the game had a significant amount of work done for it. Kazoo thinks that she could quickly code the 6th night if she ever revisited it. What really killed the game was the engine. 6BNaW was developed in Unity, which is very powerful! However, Unity made a terrible decision while the game was being developed. The runtime fee caused many developers, Kazoo included, to change engines. Around this time, Kazoo was having doubts. 6BNaW had a working build of the first 5 nights, and gave it to her friends to test. While testing it herself, and listenning to feedback, she realized that it simple wasn't fun. It was a unique blend of mechanics, but she didn't enjoy playing it. Kazoo played a few FNAF games to see what made people love them, but she didn't enjoy them either. Kazoo was left with a dilemma: finish a game she doesn't like (from scratch on a new engine), or leave it as is. Kazoo decided that putting effort into a project she didn't like wasn't worth it, so she began anew with a different engine: Godot.