All of her working.png's

A blond kid laying his head on a desk. The first "working" picture was made in 2020. Kazoo used working.png to experiment. A blond kid laying his head on a desk. A blond kid laying his head on a desk.
A blond kid laying his head on a desk. Kazoo's personal favorite, mine too. A blond kid laying his head on a desk. A blond kid laying his head on a desk.
Kazoo in the working style Kazoo makes her return! This was made in 2021, and is the last working picture to date.

Kazoo isn't commited to the "working" images anymore. I'm not sure why she kept making them, I guess it did help her learn some fundamentals. Maybe she'll make more in the future.

Kazoo sitting Kazoo's Crazy

I make things like this when I'm bored.