The history of Kazoo's design

A short girl next to the demon core. The first Kazoo! This one had a big puffy jacket and horns! Kazoo isn't too proud of this one, she has improved a lot since 2021! A shocked girl. Another remnent of 2021. The puffy jacket is a staple! Kazoo dropped the horns in favor of a hair clip too. A girl holding an umbrella for a kobold Something Kazoo drew for her friend. Kazoo had little rodent ears. She drew a lot of herself in 2021.
Front facing, stubby Kazoo Kazoo likes watching Vtubers sometimes, and decided to make one of her own! This Kazoo took a long time to draw and rig. She isn't too happy with it anymore, but she admits it was a big step! A girl casting a shadow. Kazoo was learning a bit about light in this. Also, can you believe this is still 2021! Kazoo has been working nonstop. A girl sitting. The first Kazoo from 2022. This was made into a 3D scene, and Kazoo started leaning into 3D art around this time.
A goofy faced Kazoo Kazoo made this in conjunction with a 3D model for her friend, she thought the face was fun to draw. This is the last pink haired Kazoo made in 2024. A black and white face with spiral eyes. This is the first crazy Kazoo. Kazoo made this as a splash screen for her game: To Be A Rabbit. A girl with orange hair holding a knife. Kazoo took a lot of inspiration from other artists. She really likes big eyebrows and beady eyes, so she exaggerated the face. This sprite was made for her new game: The Unconscious Purgatory.

Kazoo uses Aseprite for all of her drawings. It's really good and a one time purchase! You can buy it for $20 on Steam. Kazoo is not sponsored or anything, she just likes it!

Kazoo sitting Kazoo's Crazy

Your art style is a love letter to everyone who inpires you.